The Sanders 10b is a hybrid electrostatic / magnetic speaker with the electrostatic panel handling the mid and treble and a conventional cone / transmission line bass cabinet. The system includes an external 330 wpc stereo amplifier specifically for the bass cabinets that includes an electronically adjustable bass and midrange via the included universal remote control. This review includes an optional separate amplifier for the electrostatic panels that puts out 1700VA/channel or 400 wpc at 8 ohms.
A note about his review; it is unusually long. Part of what Stereomojo is all about is education. We believe an informed and educated reader is more likely to make better decisions in regard to his audio purchases, resulting in more enjoyment and less money wasted. True electrostatic speakers are not common (not all planar speakers are ‘stats) and not widely sold on stores. Most people know little about them. The same is true about the specific product in this review and the person behind it. We believe it is important to inform you about all these facets.
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